Toothache-Molar Tooth Pain Relief-Home Treatment

Good and beautiful teeth are attractive to everyone. All food enters the body through the mouth. If the teeth and gums get infected the health of the whole body is likely to be affected. Therefore, it is essential to protect the teeth and gums. If the teeth are cleaned properly after the morning and evening meals, there is less tooth and gum pain risk. If an infection occurs, a doctor should be consulted immediately so that the medicine can be used according to the disease.

Easy And Alternative Home Treatment:

As mentioned earlier, dental hygiene is the most important. Follow the following easy home remedies to relieve toothache.

  • If you are having a toothache, then grind cloves and apply them immediately and make a mixture of lemon juice and clove oil to relieve toothache. It can cure infections.
  • For gum pain, mix lemon juice with honey and apply on the gums in the morning and evening
  • Apply fresh lemon juice along with toothpaste on teeth and gums to remove tooth decay
  • Adding honey to vinegar also relieves toothache
  • Soaking a cotton ball in onion extract and keeping it on the teeth relieves toothache

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