Can Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain-Signs and Symptoms

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is a chemical substance known as a harmonics and it can have quite wide-ranging effects throughout the body and that’s because it is released into the bloodstream and therefore it can go around the body into the blood circulation and affect a wide range of organs Testosterone is made in males in leyding cells in the testes there is also a small amount made in the ovaries in females and both sexes is made in adrenal glands which sit on the kidneys. what Can Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain read more now?

Can Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain:

When testosterone levels are lower than normal when you exercise or do any other activity. So you don’t feel energized, so the testicles have to be involved in generating an active metabolic response. Such men are prone to inactivity and weight gain without balance and are often obese. They have low testosterone levels, which is why they gain weight. Can Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain Like overweight, underweight is an additional term. which is used for ideal weight. Weight standards have somewhat different dimensions depending on body composition and gender. A man or woman whose weight is less than ten percent of the ideal weight is called underweight and any less than 20% can be termed as applicable or weak. One’s proportional weight is also considered important body mass. It has a profound effect on a person’s health and personality. If a healthy person up to 30 has a slightly above-average weight, it is considered good against certain diseases such as TB. People between the ages of 30 and 40 should try to keep their weight closer to the average weight. Because future diseases start in this period If you are over 40 years old, try to keep your weight under average so that the burden on the heart, kidneys, and other organs is lightened.

Low Testosterone Symptoms In Males and Females:


  1. Low sexual desire
  2. Hair stopped growing
  3. Thinning hair                  
  4. Lose muscle mass
  5. Mood swings
  6. Low bone density
  7. Sleep problems


  • Weight fast
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Sleep problems
  • Low sexual
What Are The Signs Of Low Testosterone?

These are some of the symptoms that can help you decide whether you have low or high testosterone and Can Low Testosterone Cause Weight Gain and need to consult your doctor further.

  1. Low sexual desire
  2. Overweight obesity
  3. Hair loss
  4. Sleep disorders insomnia
  5. Female infertility
  6. Depression
  7. Low sperm motility

How to build testosterone?

Certain foods are believed to be extremely helpful in treating testosterone deficiency. Among them, the garlic is the most important. America’s prominent sexologist Dr. Rabi Nance has described Garlick as the best testosterone booster they say that the lack of testosterone may be due to lack of energy or as a result of more sexual problems. Or if it happens due to the tiredness of the person, garlic is the most effective food to get rid of it. Onion also has the same qualities, but it is second only to garlic, It creates sexual stimulation and strengthens the sexual organs. These things produce hormones in abundance.

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