18 Best Easy Natural Remedies to Control Different Diseases

Natural Remedies:

The importance of natural remedies to control diseases is increasing day by day. Since there is no risk of any side effects in these natural remedies there is no fear of harming the health. Their proper use allows various diseases to be controlled with their symptoms and complications.

Honey is one of the best natural remedies. In Ayurvedic and Unani medicine, honey is considered as the elixir of all diseases Modern research has proved that there is healing in honey. According to a Canadian study, a mixture of honey and cinnamon can cure many diseases, some of which are mentioned below.

Arthritis Pain Relief:

For joint pain patients, mix two spoons of honey and one spoon of cinnamon powder in lukewarm water every morning and evening. This will reduce the disease significantly. According to a study by Copenhagen, University, following this recipe, 200 arthritis patients experienced reduced pain and swelling within a week of use and were able to walk.


To grow hair, make a paste with two spoons of olive oil, one spoon of honey, and one spoon of cinnamon and apply it on the head for fifteen minutes before bathing, then wash the head. This will slowly start growing your new hair within a couple of months.


Paste with one spoonful of cinnamon and five spoons of honey to remove toothache and apply it on the affected teeth. This will relieve toothache and swelling

Cholesterol Reduction:

Adding 2 spoons of honey, and three spoons of cinnamon in a cup of hot coffee and using it daily can significantly reduce cholesterol levels.

Colds and Flu:

In the case of colds and flu, add a quarter spoonful of cinnamon to a spoonful of lukewarm honey and use it in the morning and evening for 3 days. This recipe is also useful for chronic cough. According to research conducted in Spain, a natural component in honey kills the flu virus

Stomach upset and indigestion:

Regular consumption of honey and cinnamon mixture cures stomach ailments and protects the stomach from gas. A pinch of cinnamon powder sprinkled in 2 spoons of honey and consumed before meals helps to eliminate bad breath from indigestion, sour belching, and bad breath.

Small and easy home Natural Remedies

  1. To reduce obesity, boil half a teaspoon of ground kalonji in a cup of water and take it in the morning breakfast, and evening.
  2. To prevent indigestion and vomiting, mix 30 grams of onion, a few leaves of mint, and seven pieces of black pepper well.
  3. To stop coughing, in the morning, afternoon, and evening, put the multi in the mouth and suck it and extract its juice.
  4. Add chopped onion and ginger in fruit vinegar, mint leaves, two or four of garlic, and a little raisin as a salad to increase appetite.
  5. To get rid of scalp sores and itching, grind neem seeds mix them to make a paste, and apply it on your hair at night.
  6. By applying the pulp of ghee war on the face in the morning and evening, the spots on the face are gradually removed.
  7. To improve your vision, grind seven almonds and take half a teaspoon of Egyptian fennel daily
  8. In case of venomous insect bites, mix garlic oil and honey and apply on the affected area
  9. Boil Kalonji in water and drink it at night before going to bed to get rid of stomach worms in children.
  10. To prevent bleeding in the teeth, gargle in the morning and evening with the juice of one lemon mixed with half a spoonful of salt in a cup of lukewarm water.
  11. Take a little jaggery after meals as a sweet dish to avoid indigestion and nausea
  12. To get rid of acne on the face, beat the egg white and apply it on the face for 15 to 20 minutes, then wash your face with soap.

These were some of the natural remedies that we shared with you thanks for your support.

Read more:https://svthw.org/

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